

Name Type Mandatory Description
<Record Type =”13“> Long Y Type of object to import. 13 is for deposit
<DBId></DBId> Long Y Database Id in DeMaSy. It is displayed in Utilities
<Ref></Ref> Char 255 N Internal reference
<Desc></Desc> Char 255 N Internal reference
<Reference></Reference> Char 50 Y Deposit reference
<OrgDepositReference></OrgDepositReference> Char 50 Y Original reference
<TransDate></TransDate> Date/Time Y Transaction date
<ValueDate></ValueDate> Date/Time Y Value date
<MaturityDate></MaturityDate> Date/Time Y Maturity date
<Basis></Basis> Integer Y Basis :
1 = 365/366
2 = 365/365
3 = 365/360
4 = 360/360 EU
5 = 365/365 Quasi-coupon US Treasury
6 = 360/360 US
7 = 360/365
8 = 360/366
<DepositType></DepositType> Integer Y Deposit type :
1 = Rolled over with interests
2 = Rolled over without interests
3 = Reimbursed
4 = Maturity of an existing deposit
5 = Reimbursed and Rollover without interests
6 = Reimbursed and Rollover with interests
<InterestRate></InterestRate> Double Y Interest rate
<FGLAccountNumber></FGLAccountNumber> Char 50 Y Current general ledger account
<FBankStatment></FBankStatment> Long Y Current bank statement number
<FCurrency></FCurrency> Char 10 Y Current currency ISO code
<FCurrencyRate></FCurrencyRate> Double N Current currency rate
<FCyAmount></FCyAmount> Double Y Amount in capital currency
<FAmount></FAmount> Double N Amount
<TGLAccountNumber></TGLAccountNumber> Char 10 Y Interest general ledger account
<TBankStatment></TBankStatment> Long Y Interest bank statement
<TCurrency></TCurrency>(1) Char 10 Y Interest currency ISO code
<TCurrencyRate></TCurrencyRate>(1) Double N Interest currency rate
<TCyAmount></TCyAmount>(1) Double Y Interest in capital currency
<TAmount></TAmount>(1) Double N Interest amount
<BreakIncReference></BreakIncReference> Char 50 Y
<IncDecReference></IncDecReference> Char 50 N
<IncDecType></IncDecType> Integer N
<DepType></DepType> Integer Y DepType :
1 = Deposit
2 = Loan to affiliated company
3 = Borrowing
4 = Borrowing to affiliated company
5 = Load
6 = Bond issue
</Record> Y End of block

This table contains deposits/loans transactions.
(1) A deposit in a currency different from the currency of the current bank account where the money comes
from has to be split into two transactions: 1 Forex followed by 1 deposit.
(2) DeMaSy can handle non banking loans and borrowings. However these transactions require account information
that are not available in banking software. In order to be able to use these transactions the accounts numbers
will have to be provided, either by the program extracting the data from the bank database or by the user.

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